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Reading a trade confirmation
Updated over a week ago

After buying or selling a security at M1, a trade confirmation will be generated by our clearing corporation, Apex Clearing. A trade confirmation is a financial document that reports the details of account trades. Investors can use trade confirmations to resolve any account discrepancies and support their tax filings. Trade confirmations can be accessed in the documents center of your M1 account.

Key parts of your trade confirmation:

Page 1

The first page of your trade confirmation contains disclosures provided by Apex Clearing.

The bottom of the page contains a key of different codes that can be referenced when reviewing Page 2 – notably, the codes will indicate the type of transaction and your account type.

Page 2

The second page of your confirmation contains information about the specific trade(s) that took place in your account.

The most frequently inquired about sections of M1 trade confirmations:

  • Acct type: Indicates whether your account is a cash (1) or margin (2) account. All M1 IRAs and Custodial Accounts are cash accounts, while M1 Individual or Joint Brokerage Accounts are margin accounts. The exception to this is M1 Trust Accounts, which can be cash or margin.

  • B/S: Indicates whether the transaction within your account was a buy (B) or sell (S)

  • Trade date: Date the security was purchased or sold

  • Settle date: Date the trade fully settled

  • QTY: Quantity of shares purchased or sold

  • SYM: Ticker symbol of the security purchased or sold

  • Price: Price at which the security was trading at when purchased or sold

  • Principal: Amount paid for a buy or received for a sale prior to commissions or fees paid on the trade

  • Comm: Commission paid on the trade

  • Tran fee: Transaction fee paid on the trade

  • Add’l fees: Additional fees paid on the trade

  • Net amount: Amount paid or a buy or received for a sale after commissions or fees paid on the trade

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