Received securities
Updated over a week ago

  • Holdings inside your Pie

  • Holdings outside your Pie

Holdings inside vs. outside your Pie

After a brokerage account transfer, corporate action, or internal account transfer, new securities are received by M1 on your behalf. These new securities will be displayed outside your Pie. All holdings, including those inside and outside your Pie, will appear within your “Holdings” tab.

Within the “Holdings” tab and invest “Portfolio” tab, a banner will display at the top of the page to help you navigate to holdings outside your Pie. Received positions from a brokerage account transfer or corporate action will populate here. Depending on whether M1 supports your received position, these holdings can be added to an existing Pie, added to a new Pie, liquidated, or can remain outside your Pie.

M1 Finance web account screen received securities my portfolio

Accessing securities not in your Pie – Mobile

Depending on the security type and trading availability at M1, you may have the ability to move the position into an existing Pie, create a new Pie, liquidate the security yourself, or contact us to liquidate the security on your behalf.


When viewing a security outside your Pie, you will see a colored tag, such as “Transfer”, “Merger”, or “Corporate Action” which will reflect the reason the given security is displayed outside your Pie. More information about why securities are placed in each section of the Holdings not in Pies screen can be found by clicking on the information icon.

M1 Supported Holdings

For received securities supported by M1, you can move them from outside your Pie into a new Pie or into an existing Pie or hold them outside your Pie.

Move securities to a new Pie

M1 Finance mobile account screen received securities select a Pie

If you select “Create Pie”, you will be prompted to set the target allocations for your new Pie.

M1 Finance mobile account screen received securities confirm targets

After saving the target allocations for your new Pie, you will be prompted to choose the desired location for this new Pie.

M1 Finance mobile account screen received securities choose a location 1
M1 Finance mobile account screen received securities choose a location 2

After choosing the location for your new Pie, click the blue “Continue” button.

When a new Pie is created and added as a slice to another Pie, you must adjust the target percentages for existing slices in the other Pie. The target percentage for each slice must be at set at least 1% to save. Keep in mind, you will also not be able to save your changes until the total percentage equals 100%. After saving your other Pie’s target allocations, you will be prompted to confirm those changes.

M1 Finance mobile account received securities screen confirm targets 100%

Move securities to an existing Pie


If you select an existing Pie, you will be prompted to set the new target allocations for your existing Pie. When a new slice is added to your existing Pie, this new slice is set to 1% by default and you may increase its target percentage. If you are adding to an existing slice, the target percentages for the existing slice in your Pie will not change from the original target percentage.

M1 Finance mobile account screen received securities select a Pie

The target percentage for each slice of a Pie must be at set to at least 1% to save. Keep in mind, you will not be able to save your changes until the total of all the target percentages equal 100% in a Pie. After saving your existing Pie’s target allocations, you will be prompted to confirm those changes.

Confirm your changes

All changes, including creating a new Pie or moving securities into an existing Pie, can be confirmed by clicking the blue “Confirm” button.

M1 Finance mobile account screen received securities confirm changes

Holdings M1 does not support

M1 Finance mobile account screen received securities holdings M1 does not support

Securities displayed in this section are not supported by M1. However, M1 allows you to either continue to hold your positions outside your Pie or liquidate them whenever you choose. After selecting securities in this section and choosing “Liquidate”, you will be asked to confirm that you would like these selected positions to be sold in the next trade window as seen below.

Keep in mind, a liquidation requested from your holdings not in your Pie will execute outside of any order placed within the portfolio tab. Cash generated from a liquidation requested outside your pie will not be taken into account for the calculations of portfolio sells during the same trade window. Negative balances can not be covered by liquidations from holdings outside your Pie.

M1 Finance mobile account screen received securities confirm changes

After you select confirm, you will be brought back to the Holdings not in Pies screen. You will see a pink tag with “Liquidation Pending” in it next to every security you have confirmed for liquidation. You will not be able to select any securities that have this tag. If you decide that you would like to cancel your pending liquidation, click on the received security with the “Liquidation Pending” tag. This will lead you to the following screen.

M1 Finance mobile account screen received securities pending liquidation

Select the cancel liquidation button to cancel the pending liquidation for the given received security. Once a pending liquidation is cancelled, you will no longer see a “Liquidation Pending” tag on the Holdings not in Pies screen. If you change your mind, you can always close the cancel liquidation screen by selecting the “X” button in the top left corner and this will take you back to the Holdings not in Pies screen.

Keep in mind, a liquidation may be considered a taxable event depending on your account type. After the designated securities are sold, the proceeds will be available in your account’s cash balance and follow your auto-invest settings.

Additional holdings M1 does not support

M1 Finance mobile account screen received securities additional holdings M1 does not support

Following a completed brokerage account transfer or corporate action, you may receive securities outside your Pie, such as preferred stock. M1 does not support trading for these security types, nor can you add them to your Pie.

With these specific securities, you may either continue to hold these securities outside your Pie or you can contact us for next steps.

Other holdings

Following a completed brokerage account transfer or corporate action, you may receive securities outside your Pie, such as options or bonds. M1 does not support trading for these security types, nor can you add them into your Pie. These securities will be displayed in a distinct section titled “Other Holdings”.

With these specific securities, you may either continue to hold these securities outside your Pie or you can contact us for possible next steps.

M1 Finance mobile account screen received securities other holdings

Accessing securities not in your Pie – Web

Depending on the security type and trading availability at M1, you may have the ability to move the position into an existing Pie, create a new Pie, liquidate the security yourself, or contact us to liquidate the security on your behalf.

When viewing a security outside your Pie, you will see a colored tag, such as “Transfer”, “Merger”, or “Corporate Action” which will reflect the reason the given security is displayed outside your Pie. More information about why securities are placed in each section of the Holdings not in Pies screen can be found by clicking on the information icon.

M1 supported holdings

For received securities supported by M1, you can consolidate them from outside your Pie into a new Pie or into an existing Pie or hold them outside your Pie.

Move securities to a new Pie

M1 Finance web account screen received securities holdings not in Pies

If you select “Create Pie”, you will be prompted to set the new target allocations for your new Pie.

M1 Finance web account screen received securities confirm target allocations

After saving those new target allocations, you will be prompted to choose the desired location for this new Pie.

M1 Finance web account screen received securities move to a Pie

After choosing the location for your new Pie, click the blue “Continue” button.

When a new Pie is created and added as a slice to another Pie, you must adjust the target percentages for existing slices in the other Pie. The target percentage for each slice must be at set at least 1% to save. Keep in mind, you will also not be able to save your changes until the total percentage equals 100%. After saving your other Pie’s target allocations, you will be prompted to confirm those changes.

M1 Finance web account screen received securities confirm target allocations

Move securities to an existing Pie


If you select an existing Pie, you will be prompted to set the new target allocations for your existing Pie. When a new slice is added to your existing Pie, this new slice is set to 1% by default and you may increase its target percentage. If you are adding to an existing slice, the target percentages for the existing slice in your Pie will not change from the original target percentage. The target percentage for each slice of a Pie must be at set to at least 1% to save. Keep in mind, you will not be able to save your changes until the total of all the target percentages equal 100% in a Pie. After saving your existing Pie’s target allocations, you will be prompted to confirm those changes.

M1 Finance web account screen receieved securities holdings not in Pie

Confirm your changes:

All changes, including creating a new Pie or moving securities into an existing Pie, can be confirmed through clicking the blue “Confirm” button.

M1 Finance web account screen received securities confirm target allocations

Holdings M1 does not support

M1 Finance web account screen received securities confirm changes

Securities displayed in this section are not supported by M1. However, M1 allows you to either continue to hold your positions outside your Pie or liquidate them whenever you choose. After selecting securities in this section and choosing “Liquidate”, you will be asked to confirm that you would like these selected positions to be sold in the next trade window as seen below.

Keep in mind, a liquidation requested from your holdings not in your Pie will execute outside of any order placed within the portfolio tab. Cash generated from a liquidation requested outside your pie will not be taken into account for the calculations of portfolio sells during the same trade window. Negative balances can not be covered by liquidations from holdings outside your Pie.

M1 Finance web acccount screen received securities confirm target allocations

After you select confirm, you will be brought back to the Holdings not in Pies screen. You will see a pink tag with “Liquidation Pending” in it next to every security you have confirmed for liquidation. You will not be able to select any securities that have this tag. If you decide that you would like to cancel your pending liquidation, click on the received security with the “Liquidation Pending” tag. This will lead you to the following page.

M1 Finance web account screen received securities confirm changes

Select the cancel liquidation button to cancel the pending liquidation for the given received security. Once a pending liquidation is cancelled, you will no longer see a “Liquidation Pending” tag on the Holdings not in Pies screen. If you change your mind, you can always close the cancel liquidation screen by selecting the “X” button in the top left corner and this will take you back to the Holdings not in Pies screen.

Keep in mind, a liquidation may be considered a taxable event depending on your account type. After the designated securities are sold, the proceeds will be available in your account’s cash balance and follow your auto-invest settings.

Additional holdings M1 does not support

M1 Finance web account screen received securities holdings M1 does not support

Following a completed brokerage account transfer or corporate action, you may receive securities outside your Pie, such as preferred stock. M1 does not support trading for these security types, nor can you add them into your Pie. These securities will be displayed in a distinct section with a “Contact Us” button.

With these specific securities, you may either continue to hold these securities outside your Pie or you can contact us for next steps.

Other holdings

M1 Finance web account screen received securities confirm changes

Following a completed brokerage account transfer or corporate action, you may receive securities outside your Pie, such as options or bonds. M1 does not support trading for these security types, nor can you add them into your Pie. These securities will be displayed in a distinct section titled “Other Holdings”.

With these specific securities, you may either continue to hold these securities outside your Pie or you can contact us for possible next steps.

Brokerage accounts on the M1 platform are either fully disclosed to APEX Clearing or cleared through M1 Finance LLC. Please look at your account statement to determine how your account is cleared.

All investing involves risk, including the risk of losing the money you invest. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Using margin can add to these risks. Users utilizing APEX cleared margin accounts should review the APEX margin account risk disclosure before borrowing. Users utilizing M1 cleared margin accounts should review the M1 margin account risk disclosure before borrowing. M1 Margin Loans are available on margin accounts with at least $2,000 invested per account. Not available for Retirement or Custodial accounts. Margin rates may vary.

Brokerage products and services are offered by M1 Finance LLC, Member FINRA / SIPC, and a wholly owned subsidiary of M1 Holdings, Inc.

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